Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Update on Vermont's MMIS

Good afternoon.

With the MES Conference fast approaching, here’s a quick update regarding Vermont’s Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS) procurement efforts.  Vermont is working with Gartner to integrate MMIS program requirements that will inform more than one Request for Proposals (RFP) in support of the State’s vision for its next MMIS.  The number of RFPs and contracts are still being finalized but at a high level, the work-streams identified include:

·       Core MMIS operations
·       Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM)
·       Care Management
·       Program Integrity

Vermont is projecting to release the PBM RFP by late October/November 2013, the Care Management RFP by November/December 2013, and the Core MMIS Operations RFP by May 2014.

All RFPs will require vendors to comply with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Seven Standards and Conditions and CMS’ Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) 3.0.   Vermont’s MMIS is an integral part of Vermont’s Health Services Enterprise (HSE) which leverages  the Oracle stack as its platform and the MMIS will need to be tightly integrated with this.  

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