Monday, June 24, 2013

Update on Vermont Health Services Enterprise (HSE) Activities

June, 2013

Thank you for your interest in Vermont and as you’re aware, there are a lot of activities underway as part of our Health Services Enterprise.  Due to the volume of work and the procurement activities underway, we are unable to meet all requests for meetings and/or information but we have put together this update to keep you informed of some of what’s been happening. 

Be sure to follow us on twitter and/or be sure to check our blog for information: AHS-DVHA blog ( and twitter (@DVHAVermont).  You may share this information and links with any business partners that you wish. 

The following efforts are underway within the Agency of Human Services (AHS) with significant management by the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA):

      Vermont’s Health Benefit Marketplace (Vermont Health Connect) (VHC):
    Vermont contracted with CGI to implement Vermont Health Connect and meet Affordable Care Act requirements
      Vermont’s Integrated Eligibility:
    An RFP was released and the State is currently in review and final selection for the modernization of our eligibility and enrollment system
      Vermont’s Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS):
    Gartner has been working with Vermont to support our efforts to procure a new set of vendor deployed systems capable of delivering a Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) compliant with the Affordable Care Act, CMS architecture standards (MITA), and Vermont’s Act 48 vision.  The following are potential Requests for Proposals (RFPs) with anticipated release dates:
                                    3rd calendar quarter:  RFP for MMIS support  systems (Chronic Care, Program Integrity)
                                    3rd/4th calendar quarter:  RFP for Core MMIS system to be in place and operational prior to Jan., 2017

      Vermont continues to work closely with CMS and other States on a variety of issues and levels.  As identified in CMS’ Seven Standards and Conditions, we need services and processes that are flexible, scalable and can be leveraged/shared across boundaries.  These services and processes can be integrated in a variety of ways to address the needs of the systems we currently refer to as “HIX, IE and MMIS” but are all part of our Learning Health Network. 

      State of Vermont RFPs can be viewed at:

Should Vendors have information (such as a ‘white paper’, product information, etc.) showing highly efficient and effective solutions, you can submit to Joe Liscinsky at

Thank you.

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