Thursday, December 22, 2011

Vermont AHS - DVHA projects' update - volume XIV

                                                   Agency of Human Services

December, 2011 – Volume XIV

This is the latest installment of the Agency of Human Services (AHS) and the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA) monthly projects update (for distribution to vendors).  

Be advised, AHS and in particular, DVHA, is utilizing social media to help expand our working network and deliver a clear, consistent communication in an efficient and effective fashion.  From this point forward when an update is ready for release we will update an AHS-DVHA blog ( and we will announce via twitter (@DVHAVermont) that the blog update is available.  

Therefore you need to follow us on twitter and/or be sure to check this blog for any updates.   We will continue with mass emailing of this update for one further installment but afterwards you’ll need to follow us on twitter and/or follow our blog.

As you are aware, the State has been making use of these updates in lieu of meetings due to the abundance of inquiries and requests we have received.  Thank you for your continued interest in Vermont and we appreciate your understanding.  You may share this document with any business partners that you wish. 

The majority of infrastructure issues in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene have been addressed yet the State continues to be challenged in terms of resources and the space for these resources.  The following efforts are underway within the Agency of Human Services (AHS) with significant management by DVHA:

        Establishment of Vermont’s Health Enterprise Network
        Development and implementation of MES/VIEWS/HIX/HIE*
                                                                  Vermont will begin a series of Request for Proposals (RFPs) to procure services to address functional, information, technical and/or business needs
                                                                  RFPs will require services:
        be built on Vermont’s Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) platform – which is the Oracle Suite
        be built and scalable to meet the needs across the Agency and not silo’d as traditionally done
        adhere to Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) 3.0 framework and the CMS Seven Standards and Conditions
                                                                  The first RFP, expected to be released at the beginning of January, is requesting bids to address Vermont’s needs for:
        Enterprise Master Person Index (eMPI) services
        Partnership with Department of Information and Innovation (DII) working on the continued build-out of our SOA platform
        Address the necessary Governance protocols (policy and systematic) for identifying “source” data including the hierarchy of accepted/validated data…all in the effort to create a “Master ‘Golden’ Record”
                                                                  The second RFP, expected to be released in calendar quarter 1, 2012 is likely to request bids to address: 
        Provider Management services that includes building of a Provider Directory and perhaps address Program Integrity needs.
                                                                  Additional RFPs in the Health Enterprise series to support HIX, E&E, and MMIS components will be released in rapid order throughout calendar quarter 1 and 2, 2012.

        Vermont continues to work closely with CMS and other States on a variety of issues and levels.  As identified in CMS’ Seven Standards and Conditions, we need services and processes that are flexible, scalable and can be leveraged/shared across boundaries.  These services and processes can be integrated in a variety of ways to address the needs of the systems we refer to as “MES, VIEWS and HIX”. 
        The following is a quick view of the outcome of the optional/non-binding “white papers” the State asked for in the last update on “how they would recommend Vermont proceeding in terms of MES, VIEWS, HIX, HIT, Provider Directory and potential Single-payer.”.  
                                                                  The results were surprising with only a few vendors responding with some glimpse of the bigger health reform picture and how things were integrated and how to possibly proceed, etc.  Most responses were focused on one particular aspect of a vendor’s portfolio of solutions.
                                                                  The State provides this as a view into the immense health transformation that is underway in our State and the need for vendor partners who share a vision that is fully consistent with CMS’ Seven Standards and Conditions and MITA 3.0.
                                                                  The traditional  approach to system design, development and implementation for new and replacement systems will not succeed.

        State of Vermont RFPs can be viewed at:; and

As of this time, DVHA is not engaging in any vendor demonstrations.  This is due to the amount of work currently underway and the number of engagements that would occur should the State proceed in this manner.  Should Vendors have information (such as the ‘white paper’ mentioned above, product information, etc.) you can submit that to Joe Liscinsky at

Thank you.


MES                 Medicaid Enterprise Solution
Replacement of Vermont’s Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS)
VIEWS                        Vermont’s Integrated Eligibility Workflow System (VIEWS)
Replacement of Vermont’s ACCESS system – AHS’ legacy eligibility and enrollment system
HIX                  Health Insurance Exchange
                        Implementation of Vermont’s Insurance Exchange as part of Affordable Care Act (ACA)
HIE                  Heath Information Exchange
                        Further expansion and build out of Vermont’s health information exchange

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