Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Quick update on Vermont's Medicaid Enterprise

Good evening everyone. 

Hoping you and your families are all well. It's been a while and we have missed the interaction without having MESC, ISM, HIE, and other Seminars and Conferences. 

Vermont continues to make progress while working remotely - this is a short summary of what's happening with our Medicaid Enterprise. 

• On the MMIS side of things - we have Certified 3 modules!  Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM) (03/2018), Care Management (10/2019), and Provider Management Module (PMM)  (02/2020).  We are in the midst of executing a contract for a Technical Assistance (TA) vendor to provide procurement assistance with their first effort focused on our DVHA Medicaid Data Warehouse and Analytic Solution (DMDWAS).   We anticipate this RFP to be posted shortly after the first of the year.  After that we’ll engage with the vendor to work on Operations Management (core claims) procurement. 

• On the IE&E side of things – we have been actively adding functionality to help improve the member’s experience with efforts around portal accessibility, document uploader functionality, and premium processing. We are engaged in activities to improve MABD functions and working towards Integration Partner procurement to address case management needs. The previously mentioned TA vendor will assist with that too. 

• We also continue to work with our HIE Team around the HIE integration with MMIS and steps to address CMS/ONC interoperability requirements. 

Be safe and be well. 
Stay hydrated in this heat. 


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