Sunday, February 14, 2016

AHS announces cancellation of Integrated Eligibility RFP and MMIS RFP

Good morning everyone.

In the time since Vermont released the Integrated Eligibility (IE) Solution and the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS Core) RFPs, the approach to these solutions has evolved. This evolution provides Vermont with the opportunity to be more strategic in building solutions that meet the needs of Vermonters, providers and staff. After much consideration, the State has decided to cancel the current procurement processes for the Design, Development, and Implementation (DDI) of both MMIS Core and IE.

The Agency of Human Services remains committed to developing innovative business and technology solutions that best meet the needs of Vermonters.

Vermont appreciates your continued interest in our efforts.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter @DVHAVermont.

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Very Useful information Thank you!!
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