Thursday, October 3, 2013

Vermont Health Services Enterprise (HSE) Update

Agency of Human Services (AHS)

October 3, 2013

There are multiple activities underway as part of our Health Services Enterprise (HSE) and we have put together this update to keep you informed. The HSE Program is an integrated system of policies, business processes and information systems that together form Vermont’s strategic Health Care vision. Further information on HSE can be found at:

Be sure to follow on twitter and check our blog: AHS-DVHA blog ( and twitter (@DVHAVermont).

The HSE consists of:
o Vermont Health Connect (VHC)
o Integrated Eligibility (IE) system
o Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) update project
o Health Information Exchange (HIE) and Health Information Technology (HIT)
(Clinical Public Health Information and Surveillance technologies)

The HSE Program will:
o Implement State and Federal Health Care legislation creating a 21st Century Health Care transformation
o Introduce advanced Information Technology that will ultimately extend across the State
o Enable a similar transformation for State Human Services programs while maximizing available
Federal funding
o Integrate to a single platform, the HSE projects are being deployed in an ‘Enterprise’ manner, grouping the necessary elements for each release, and maximizing reuse

Vermont continues to work closely with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and other States on a variety of issues and levels. As identified in CMS’ Seven Standards and Conditions, we need services and processes that are flexible, scalable and can be leveraged/shared across boundaries. These services and processes can be integrated in a variety of ways to address the needs of the systems we currently refer to as “VHC, IE, MMIS and HIE/HIT” but are all part of our Learning Health Network.

The following work-streams are underway within the Agency of Human Services (AHS) and Department of Information and Innovation (DII) with significant management by the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA):

● Vermont Health Connect (VHC):
o Congratulations to VHC team on Go-Live day!
o Launching an insurance marketplace to bring better health coverage to more Vermonters
o Ensuring Vermonters have a seamless experience finding a health plan
o Vermonters with questions should contact VHC customer support at (855) 899-9600

● Vermont’s Integrated Eligibility (IE):
○ IE team is in negotiations with a vendor for project with target date for contract in place 11/2013
○ Important dates for IE
• 12/31/14 – Requested Go-live for priority Healthcare
• 1/1/2015 – Duals (Medicaid/Medicare) Effective date
• 12/31/15 – Requested Go-live for non-Healthcare
○ IE will build off of the HSE platform in use by VHC, leveraging connections and maximizing reuse

● Vermont’s Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS):
○ Gartner has been working with Vermont to support efforts to procure a new set of vendor deployed systems capable of delivering a Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) compliant with the Affordable Care Act, CMS architecture standards (MITA), and Vermont’s Act 48 vision. The following are RFP Release Schedule and Contract Award Targets:
• Pharmacy: November 2013 / May 2014 (DUALS)
• Care Management: November 2013 / April 2014
• Core Operations: April 2014 / October 2014
○ Link to MMIS webpage:

● Vermont’s Health Information Exchange (HIE) and Health Information Technology (HIT)
o The VITL Grant has been approved for FY14
o Requirements discovery have been started with stakeholders for the development of the Statewide Clinical Registry RFP
o VITL continues to work on development of VITLAccess
o Blueprint Data Integrity Maintenance Plan Dashboard Reports are targeting Oct 31, 2013 for release
o The Vermont Strategic HIT Plan is in development for submittal to CMS

● State of Vermont RFPs can be viewed at:
○; and
○; and

Any questions or comments can be addressed to:

Thank you.

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