Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Vermont AHS-DVHA Health Enterprise Projects' Update - Volume XVI

May, 2012 – Volume XVI

Be sure to follow us on twitter and/or be sure to check our blog for any future updates  AHS-DVHA blog (http://vermont-ahs-dvha.blogspot.com/) and twitter (@DVHAVermont). 

[NOTE:  additional links were listed below]

Thank you for your continued interest in Vermont and we appreciate your understanding that in lieu of meetings, the State has been making use of these updates.  You may share this information and links with any business partners that you wish. 

The following efforts are underway within the Agency of Human Services (AHS) with significant management by the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA) and in particular, the Divsion of Health Reform (DHR):

      Vermont will be releasing in the next week, two RFPs:
    Disassembling Health Care from ACCESS* analysis
    Eligibility and Enrollment Rules Writing assistance
      Additional RFPs in the Health Enterprise series to support HIX, E&E, and MMIS components will be released in rapid order throughout calendar quarters 2 and 3, 2012. Some of these RFPs may include (or could be combined): 
      Eligibilty and Enrollment System components including Rules Engine Services
      Medicaid Enterprise Solution (MES) components
      Provider Management services that includes building of a Provider Directory and
perhaps address Program Integrity needs
      Data Warehouse and DSS Services
      DVHA has created a Health Enterprise diagram to be used as a framework for discussion purposes and not as an actual architectural diagram depicting various systems and data stores for the Vermont Health Enterprise Network (see last page)
      The Division of Health Reform (DHR) is the unit within the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA) that is responsible for coordination and management of Health Reform activities.
    Members of this unit are now all located in the ground floor of DVHA offices at 289 Hurricane Lane, Williston, VT
      Vermont continues to work closely with CMS and other States on a variety of issues and levels.  As identified in CMS’ Seven Standards and Conditions, we need services and processes that are flexible, scalable and can be leveraged/shared across boundaries.    These services and processes can be integrated in a variety of ways to address the needs of the systems we currently refer to as “MES, VIEWS and HIX” but in the future are all part of our Health Enterprise Network.  It is essential that we engage contractors who understand the enormous undertaking ahead of us and who grasp the interdependencies and intricacies of how we must proceed to be successful.

      RFPs related to DHR work can be viewed at:

As of this time, DVHA is not engaging in any vendor demonstrations.  This is due to the amount of work currently underway and the number of engagements that would occur should the State proceed in this manner.  Should Vendors have information (such as a ‘white paper’, product information, etc.) you can submit that to Joe Liscinsky at joseph.liscinsky@state.vt.us.

Thank you.


MES                 Medicaid Enterprise Solution
Replacement of Vermont’s Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS)
VIEWS                        Vermont’s Integrated Eligibility Workflow System (VIEWS)
Replacement of Vermont’s ACCESS system – AHS’ legacy eligibility and enrollment system
HIX                 Health Insurance Exchange
                        Implementation of Vermont’s Insurance Exchange as part of Affordable Care Act (ACA)
HIE                  Heath Information Exchange
                        Further expansion and build out of Vermont’s health information exchange
ACCESS          Department for Children and Families’ eligibility and enrollment legacy system

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