Friday, October 13, 2023

Vermont - IE&E Modernization Update


IE&E Modernization Update



VT-IES Project Update

  • Vermont submitted the VT-IES RFP to CMS/FNS for review on September 15.
  • VT-IES will consist of a Customer Portal, Case Management, and a Rules Engine, replacing legacy enrollment systems and optimizing eligibility, enrollment, and customer management functionality.
  • Vermont expects vendors to propose an implementation approach that delivers timely and incremental release of improvements.
  • Vermont has updated its list of mandated technologies it expects a vendor's solution to integrate with to support end-to-end integration.



Noticing Project Update

  • Vermont released an RFP in June 2023 to solicit bids to integrate with Hyland's Content Composer as the foundational noticing solution for the IE&E Program. 
  • Vermont recognizes that alternate vendor solutions should be considered.
  • Vermont has decided not to award a contract based on the June 2023 RFP.
  • Vermont will open a new competitive procurement that does not mandate a preferred noticing technology and simplifies the desired integration approach.
  • The future noticing solution will have an integration with VT-IES.


Vermont IE&E was at ISM!
Vermont's IE&E Program had 17 staff from the Agency of Humans Services and the Agency of Digital Services attend the ISM Conference in Kissimmee last month. We appreciate your support of this event.

Vermont's IE&E Program Director was invited to present to the Human Services IT Advisory Group ( This presentation is available on YouTube; please click


You can learn more about our IE&E Program by visiting 

Integrated Eligibility and Enrollment (IE&E) System | Agency of Human Services (